A. R. Adams & Sons, Newport - Ex BR Shunters

Diesel Dilemmas - top page

Between 1968 and 1984 A. R. Adams & Son, Newport are recorded as having owned nine Class 03, Class 04 and Class 11 shunting locomotives for various periods. Much information about these can be found in the IRS book 'Ex-BR Diesels in Industry - 8th Edition', published in 2019. However, over the years confusion has arisen as to which locomotives were located where and when. It is the intention here to bring together all information about where locomotives have been located.  Anyone who can add anything, particularly sightings and pictures of the locomotives is encouraged to make contact.

It has also been suggested that Ex BR Class 14 D9530 was acquired by Adams in 1975 or earlier and then hired out for use at NCB Maerdy Colliery from late 1975.  A visiter to Maerdy on 19th July 1978 reported that "working loco was (D9530) Swindon 1965 with a board proclaiming 'on hire from A.R. Adams'. "  Interestingly it was reported at Newport in July/August 1976.  Was this in connection with a visit to A. R. Adams & Son Newport premises.  Please make contact if you can add anything to this possibility.

Pillgwenlly locations

Research suggests that A. R. Adams & Son used five different locations in the Pillgwenlly district of Newport between 1968 and 1984 to either store or maintain locomotives. A map (out of copyright) showing where these locations are believed to have been can be found here these being:-

(A) - A. R. Adams & Son, Pill Bank Works, Robert Street (in use until c1977)

(B) - A. R. Adams & Son, Adams Yard, Courtybella Terrace (in use until c1977?)

(C) - A. R. Adams & Son, Pill Bank Works, Coomassie Street (c1977 - c1984)

(D) - Bolt Street Sidings (from c1977 actually a compound) {See here for a 1964 map and here for a 1980 map of the area ]

(E) - Shed & Compound at or adjacent to United Wagon Company Workshops, Old Dock (in use until c1977) [ See  here for a map of the area]

In addition their locomotives were also occasionally located at (F) Gwent Coal Concentration Depot where D2181, originally an Adams locomotive, was also located from 1968 to 1986.

Ex BR locomotives have never been located at (A) or (B) as far as we are aware.

Whilst various reports of sightings of A. R. Adams & Son locomotives at Pillgwenlly have been published, few report the precise location. If any one can provide such sightings these would be welcomed and should be forwarded to Peter Hall

The individual locomotives are listed below.  Clicking on the locomotive number opens a page listing sightings and other information about the locomotive.


D2139 - Hire locomotive 1968 - 1971

D2178 - Hire locomotive 1970 - 1974

D2181 - Acquired 1968 and soon after sold to the operators of Gwent CCD where it spent all its post BR career.

D2182 - Hire locomotive 1968 - 1969, sold to Sir Lindsay Parkinson & Company by January 1970.

D2186 - Hire locomotive 1970 - 1981 although possibly not hired out after 1974.

D2193 - Hire locomotive 1969 - 1981 although possibly not hired out after 1978.

D2244 - Hire locomotive 1970 - 1981 although possibly not hired out after 1972.

D2276 - Source of spares 1970 - 1977.

12054 - Hire locomotive 1971 - 1984 although possibly not hired out after 1981.

Information about these locomotives whilst with Adams that updates the IRS book would be welcomed by Peter Hall.

1972 - 1975 Newport Mysteries

In the Autumn of 1972 anumber of 'off hire' locomotives accumulated in Pillgwenlly . Unfortunately it often proved impossible for visitors to confirm the identities of the Class 03's, particularly those in the workshop. Vistors have reported:-

21 December 1972 - Two green liveried Class 03's in the Old Dock Compound.

10 March & 20 May 1973 - A green liveried Class 03 in the Old Dock Works.

10 April 1974 - Unidentified Class 03 at Old Dock site.

23 April 1974 - A green livered Class 03 in the Old Dock compound.

Help in confirming which locomotives were present at Newport during that period would be welcomed by Peter Hall.

This page is maintained by Peter Hall.