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A. R. Adams & Sons, Newport - Ex BR Shunters

Delivered direct to Aberaman Colliery Washery, January 1970. Soon after moving to Wiggins Teape, Ely, Cardiff. When noted there in August 1970 it had acquired light-mid green livery with mainly white handrails suggesting it had visited A. R. Adams & Son Old Dock Works, Newport by then.

It seems that although often recorded as built in 1962, the year it first saw service, a 1961 builders plate was carried. This may be a factor in it not always being correctly identfied. For many years it also retained an 84A shed plate. D2186 was painted into an identical livery in 1972 but carried a 1962 builders plate. It is though possible that sightings for these two between 1971 and 1974 might have inadvertently been wrongly reported if a deailed examination hadn't been possible.

In 1974 it was sold to the operators of NSF Coed Ely Coking Plant, Tonyrefail.

Locomotive Date Location Observer
D2178 24 February 1970 Moved from NCB Aberaman Colliery Washery to Wiggins Teape, Ely, Cardiff IRS ref 70-5028
D2178 20 August 1970 Wiggins Teape, Ely, Cardiff Mike Kennard
D2178 10 April 1971 Wiggins Teape, Ely, Cardiff IRS ref 71-175
D2178 11 April 1971 Wiggins Teape, Ely, Cardiff IRS ref 71-5035
D2178 28 April 1971 Wiggins Teape, Ely, Cardiff IRS ref 71-219
D2178 23 August 1971 Wiggins Teape, Ely, Cardiff Vic Burling
D2178 18 July 1972 NCBOE Gwaun-ca-Gurwen Disposal Point Ivor Thomas
D2178 21 July 1972 left NCBOE Gwaun-ca-Gurwen Disposal Point ?
D2178 28 July 1972 Cardiff General Station (passing through) Brian Rolley
D2178 (+D2139) 18 June 1974 NSF Coed Ely Coking Plant, Tonyrefail Ivor Thomas
D2178 (+D2139) 20 April 1975 NSF Coed Ely Coking Plant, Tonyrefail Ivor Thomas
D2178 (+D2139) 23 August 1975 NSF Coed Ely Coking Plant, Tonyrefail IRS ref 75/0505
D2178 30 October 1979 BREL Swindon Works IRS ref 79-6502A
D2178 (+D2139) 13 March 1983 NSF Coed Ely Coking Plant, Tonyrefail Peter Hall

Further sightings of this locomotive whilst with Adams and subsequently would be welcomed by Peter Hall

This page is maintained by Peter Hall.