
Diesel Dilemmas - top page

A. R. Adams & Sons, Newport - Ex BR Shunters

Delivered to NCB Marketing Department, Gwent Coal Concentration Depot, Newport, 10th December 1968. Sold to the operators of Gwent Coal Concentration Depot by January 1970.

Locomotive Date Location Observer
D2181 23 March 1969 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport John Martin
D2181 12 July 1969 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport Doug Semmens
D2181 17 August 1970 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport Mike Kennard
D2181 9 December 1970 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport IRS ref 70/5237
D2181 18 April 1971 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport A. C. Hartless
D2181 19 March 1972 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport Philip Cartwright
D2181 (+D2244) 15 July 1972 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport Ivor Thomas
D2181 (+D2244) 17 September 1972 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport B. Baralos
D2181 21 December 1972 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport R. H. W. Watson
D2181 2 January 1973 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport R. H. W. Watson
D2181 19 May 1973 Gwent Coal Concentration Centre, Newport Ivor Thomas
D2181 22 September 1973 Gwent Coal Concentration Depot, Newport IRS ref 73/804
D2181 10 April 1974 Gwent Coal Concentration Depot, Newport N. Radley
D2181 23 April 1974 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport IRS ref 75/204
D2181 23 April 1975 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport Ivor Thomas
D2181 23 April 1976 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport Ted Knotwell
D2181 23 March 1982 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport Peter Hall
D2181 13 March 1983 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport Peter Hall
D2181 11 February 1984 Gwent Coal Distribution Centre, Newport IRS ref 84-5027

Further sightings of this locomotive whilst with A. R. Adams & Son and subsequently would be welcomed by Peter Hall

This page is maintained by Peter Hall.