Steam Heat Generators - Diesel and Electric Locomotives
Class 31 - SHG removals prior to 12/82
Class 31 - 'A Plate Wagon and Two Boilers' article
Class 37 - SHG removals prior to 5/80
Class 40 - SHG removals prior to 5/80
Class 47 - SHG removals prior to 5/80
Class 76 - SHG removals prior to 7/81
Often discussed among those with an interest in the passenger activities of BR diesel and electric locomotives is precisely which locomotives were fitted with Steam Heat Generators (SHG), often referred to as 'boilers' and if/when these were removed. For most Classes the details are never disputed but for Class 31, 37, 40 and 47 which from the late 1960's had SHG removed progressively, not connected with a major modification, the situation is far from clear. Similarly, for Class 76 it would appear the situation is not as clear cut as has often been recorded. The intention of this dilemma, initially, is to try and build up a better understanding of which locomotives of these classes had SHG removed and when, before May 1980*. Later removals will be hopefully incorporated later.
*Class 31 until December 1982
For starters, this is a summary of locomotives that it is believed were fitted with SHG and the major changes. Train hearing and instruction vans are also included as these used the same types of SHG as the locomotives.
Class 21/29 All built with Spanner Mark I
Class 22 All built with Spanner Mark I (D6300-D6305), Stone-Vapor or Clayton (D6306-D6357)
Class 23 All built with Stone-Vapor
Class 24 All built with Stone-Vapor.
Suggested D5002-D5006 were built without or had them removed/fitted subsequently fitted. Can anyone clarify?
Removed from D5102-D5111 in 1966
Class 25 - D5176-D5178, D5183-D5237, D7568-D7597 built with Stone-Vapor.
Removed from D7592 in c1973 when dual-braked
Class 26 All built with Stone-Vapor.
Removed from D5300-D5306 in 1967
Class 27 - D5347-D5369, D5379-D5415 built with Stone-Vapor, D5374 subsequently fitted in c1971.
Removed from D5386 (27103-27212), D5391 (27119-27201), D5392 (27120-27202), D5393 (27121-27203), D5403 (27122-27204), D5404 (27113-27207), D5407 (27114-27208), D5408 (27115-27209), D5409 (27116-27210), D5410 (27123-27205), D5411 (27117-27211), D5412 (27124-27206) in 1973-1976 when fitted with ETS supply.
Class 28 All built with Spanner Mark I.
Class 31 All built with Spanner Mark I. Click on Class 31 link for details of removals. Also see the 'A Plate Wagon and Two Boilers' article.
Class 35 All built with Stone-Vapor (D7000-D7044), Spanner Mark III (D7045-D7100)
Class 37 D6700-D6938 built with Clayton. D6947/D6960-D6968 subsequently fitted 1967-1968. Click on Class 37 link for details of removals.
Removed from D6755-57/59-74/76-80, D6819-74/93-D6938 in c1964.
Removed from D6701-D6710 and fitted to D6947/D6960-68 in 1967-1968.
Click on Class 37 link for subsequent removals.
Class 40 Built with Stone-Vapor (D200-D259, D267-D286, D305-D324) Clayton (D260-D266, D287-D304, D325-D399). Click on Class 40 link for details of removals.
Class 41 (D600-4) All built with Spanner Mark I
Class 42/43 Built with Spanner Mark I (D800-D812, D866-D870), Spanner Mark III (D818) or Stone-Vapor (D813-D817, D819-D865)
Class 44/45/46 All built with Stone-Vapor (D1-D165), Spanner Mark III (D166-D193). Removed from D1-10 in 1962. Removed from the fifty that became Class 45/1 in 1973-1975 when ETS supply fitted.
Class 47 D1500-D1615/ D1682-D1781 built with Spanner Mark III, D1616-D1635/ D1837-D1874 built with Stone-Vapor, D1101-D1111/D1948-D1976 built with Stones, D1100/D1636-D1681/ D1901-D1947/D1977-D1999 built with Clayton. Removed from those that became 47424/47427/47432-47434/47436-47456/47459/47462-47513/47529-47540/47544-47547/47549-47551/47553-47585 when ETS supply fitted. Click on Class 47 link for details of other removals.
Class 52 All built with Spanner Mark III
Class 53 Built with Spanner Mark III
Class 55 All Built with Spanner Mark II
Class 70 (20001-3) All fitted. However, references differ as to when and type fitted. Further details welcomed.
Class 76 E26000/ E26020/E26046-E26057 fitted with Bastain & Allen although probably not from new on E26020/E26046-E26049. Click on Class 76 link for further details.
Class 77 E27000-E27006 Built with Bastain & Allen
LMR Train Heating Vans 44401-44420 Built with ?
SR Train Heating Vans DS70185-DS70191 Built with Spanner Mark III. A 1963 article about these vans can be viewed here.
WR Train Heating Van DW123821 Built with ?
WR Train Heating Instruction Van ADW150322 Built with ?
ER Train Heating Vans DE321071-DE321078 Built with Spanner Mark I (two in each), probably sourced from Class 31 locomotives, see 'A Plate Wagon and Two Boilers' article article.
ER Train Heating Van DE75415 Built with ?
NER Train Heating Instruction Vans DE321099-DE321101 Built with
Prior to the publication of the RCTS book Locomotive Stock of British Railways 1977 including detail differences little information had been published about which locomotives built with SHG had had the equipment removed. Some changes had been shown in the Locomotive Stock Alterations published in the RO but that was it. Subsequently of course the Platform 5 books appeared and much more information about changes began to be published.
By clicking on the Class 31, Class 37, Class 40, Class 47 and Class 76 links above further details can be found about the locomotives that are believed to have had their SHG removed, not connected with a major modification, before the publication of the sixth edition of the Platform 5 Motive Power Pocket Book which had been updated to 17th May 1980. For each locomotive it is shown whether this is believed to have taken place before 12/76 (included in the RCTS book), between 12/76-11/77 (after the RCTS book and before the first edition of the Platform 5 book) and between 11/77-5/80 (after the first Platform 5 book and before the sixth Platform 5 book). Fortunately, for Class 31, the situation as of 10/70 is known thanks to a RO article so an extra grouping exists for these. A more precise removal date will be added as information becomes available. Also any relevant comments such as whether removal took place during a major works overhaul.
It should be emphasized that no differentiation is made between SHG equipment that was operative within the locomotive or inoperative within the locomotive, often referred to as isolated. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, official records may have shown the SHG as operative but the reality was that for many locomotives not normally used on passenger trains the SHG was far from operative. This particularly being the case when locomotives were normally used on freight trains and the depot to at which they were based had no or few regular winter passenger turns. Secondly, it can be revealed that in the late 1970?s it became apparent to those involved with the Platform 5 books that this was the case and physical examination of locomotives and their repair books confirmed this. In fact on occasions locomotives recorded on official notifications as having SHG had had it removed whilst others shown as having had it removed still had it fitted either operative or inoperative. This may also explain differences between enthusiast sources as to locomotives fitted with SHG and its status.
Those with any knowledge of SHG removal from the locomotives listed are asked to make contact in order that the lists below can be made more accurate. It would also be interesting to know if anyone has the dates these locomotives were in main workshops as this may help greatly when taken with correlated with other information. Comments should be forwarded to Peter Hall.
This page is maintained by Peter Hall.