Ex BR Class 03s & Class 04s exported in 1972 to Italy
Ex BR Diesel Shunting Locomotives Exported to Italy - top page
During the early 1970s, Shipbreaking (Queenborough), Queenborough, Isle of Sheppey, Kent acquired fifteen, Class 03 and Class 04 locomotives from British Rail, almost certainly through 'agent' R. E. Trem & Company. These were D2019, D2032, D2033, D2036, D2043, D2070, D2126, D2216, D2242, D2249, D2282, D2289, D2293, D2294 and D2295. Of these D2043, D2126, D2249, D2282 and D2293 are reported to have been scrapped whilst D2070 and D2294 were retained and saw use with Shipbreaking (Queenborough) for many years. The remainder, D2019, D2032, D2033, D2036, D2216, D2242, D2289 & D2295 were exported to Italy during 1972. Although it was reported that all went to the Brescia area in the north of the country, one, D2295, actually went to Termoli in the south of the country.
Over the years, information has been published about these locomotives some of which has been slightly contradictory. Below, is what has been established following many years of research. Anyone who can add further information about the Italian history of these locomotives is invited to get in contact. In particular sightings of the locomotives in Italy, giving details of date and location are very welcome. These can be submitted to Peter Hall Photographs of these locomotives in Italy are also very much welcomed.
The locations where the eight locomotives saw use have been confirmed as being; D2019, D2032 & D2216 - Stablimento ISA, Ospitaletto; D2033 & D2036 - Siderurgicia Spa, Montirone; D2242 - Feralpi, Lonato; D2289 - Acciaierie di Lonata Spa, Lonato; D2295 - Sidergica Meridonale steelworks, Termoli, Campobasso, Nolise. D2289 was the last of these known to survive but was repatriated in June 2018 and is now located at the Heritage Shunter Trust, Rowsley, Derbyshire. It is probable all the others have now been scrapped although D2033 was reported and photographed as recently as 2004 at Montirone.
Briefly, what is known about each of the eight locomotives can be found by clicking on the individual locomotive number below. It should be noted that in some cases this contradicts what may have been published elsewhere. Thus the need to compile as much information as is possible about these locomotives.
Details of all the Ex BR locomotives exported to Italy can be found here
This page is maintained by Peter Hall.