GWR design Internal User Coaching Stock
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Internal User Coaching Stock c1970-1997
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GWR design listings
Click for complete listing (.pdf file) (updated 12/4/2021)
GWR Freight Stock Mink G vans closely resemble GWR Non-Passenger Carrying Coaching Stock Fruit D vans. The most apparent external difference being two sets of doors rather than three on each side. Four Mink G's are known to have been taken into Internal User Stock, details of these can be found by clicking the link below.
GWR design Mink G Internal Users (added 24/11/2020)

GWR Mink G 112835 is pictured at York on 8th April 1978, having previously been located at Thirsk where it was used as a Stores Van. It carries number 042432 in the North Eastern Region Internal User number series. The NRM branding on the doors suggests at the time it was in the custodianship of the National Railway Museum. Paul Bartlett
Also see Mystery of the Thirsk GWR Mink G's
This page is maintained by Peter Hall