BR design Internal User Coaching Stock
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Internal User Coaching Stock c1970-1997
GWR design Internal User Coaching Stock
SR design Internal User Coaching Stock
LMSR design Internal User Coaching Stock
LNER design Internal User Coaching Stock
Pullman Car Company design Internal User Coaching Stock
BR design listings
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BR Freight Stock Ferry Motor Car Vans and Ferry Scenery Vans closely resemble BR Non-Passenger Carrying Coaching Stock prototype Covered Carriage Truck 94100 and prototype General Utility Van 86500 respectively. One Ferry Motor Car Van and two Ferry Scenery Vans were taken into Internal User Stock, details of these can be found by clicking the link below.
Internal User Ferry Motor Car and Ferry Scenery Vans (added 28/11/20)
041420 spent its later years at Norwich Thorpe Yard off-tracked as pictured here. Alex Hall
041970 pictured at Ferme Park Carriage Sidings on 19th June 1991 when in use as a Stores Van. J. Sharp
042179 minus bogies and running gear is pictured at Norwich Crown Point Depot were it was used as a store Brian Loughlin
061022 was used as a CCE Stores Van at Gloucester Old Yard were it is pictured. Alex Hall
061205 pictured at Reading when in use as a S&T Stores Van. Peter Hall collection
083621 is pictured in the rarely visited by enthusiasts Ashford West Yard on 21st April 1997 were it had been in use as an Instruction Coach. D. Titheridge / Brian Loughlin collection
083631 pictured at Selhurst Depot. This had originally been BR CCT 94477. In 1984 it had its bodywork removed and was converted to Adaptor Wagon B902612. Peter Pay
083633 is pictured inside Lovers Walk Depot, Brighton were it was used as a Stores Van. Brian Loughlin
This page is maintained by Peter Hall