Fifties - Through Dore

50039 'Implacable' heads the 09:50 Edinburgh-Plymouth through Dore on 17th September 1981. Geoff Newall
Although allocated to Crewe Diesel Depot for nearly a decade, the Fifties are believed to have never made an appearance at Dore during that period. In fact the only recorded working in the Sheffield area was on 14th March 1970, when D414 worked a Manchester Piccadilly-Wadsley Bridge football special via Woodhead.
In 1977, with the class entrenched on the Western Region, major overhauls were switched to Doncaster from Crewe. For the first couple of years, the locomotives made their way to and from works by routes avoiding Dore. A few did however appear under tow on the Rother Valley Line, conveniently just bypassing Dore. 50009 actually visited Tinsley for a week in June 1977 after overhaul but seemingly didn’t venture off the depot.
In 1979, with the Fifties having avoided Dore for a dozen years already, there seemed little hope that they would ever appear. Indeed, if someone had told me in July 1979 that in just over six years the fiftieth Fifty would work through Dore, I would have dismissed them as a having a screw loose. This was however to be the case.
The debut of the Fifties at Dore occurred on Saturday 4th August 1979, on what appeared to be a one off working. Following an Intermediate overhaul at Doncaster Works 50007 'Hercules' ran light from Doncaster to York, where it took over the 10:43 Berwick-upon-Tweed-Plymouth (09:50 Edinburgh-Plymouth starting from Berwick-upon-Tweed due to the Penmanshiel blockage), which it worked forward much to the astonishment of those whom saw it. At the time this seemed to be the 'biggest' locomotive to work through Dore since D1013 'Western Ranger' a couple of years earlier. The reality was that a decision had been taken that this was how Fifties were to be normally returned from Doncaster Works to the Western Region in future. Thus an era had begun which was to see thirty-three different members of the class returning from Doncaster (to my knowledge) in this way, before HST's took over the working in November 1981. What is believed to have made this working so practical for returning locomotives is that it was a turn for Saltley men, thus traction knowledge was no problem with Doncaster men taking the locomotives to York. Although Fifties were generally dragged to works during this period, several proceeded under their own power working the 07:25 Plymouth-Edinburgh to York with 50006 'Neptune', 50011 'Centurion', 50020 'Revenge', 50039 'Implacable' & 50040 'Leviathan' being so recorded, whilst 50012 'Benbow' was recorded passing through light locomotive on 20th November 1980.
Failing to be satisfied with being the first fifty through Dore 50007 'Hercules' became the first to work through not in connection with a works visit when on 17th April 1980 it worked the 16:08 Bristol Temple Meads-Newcastle-upon-Tyne as far as York. It then retired to the shed for the night, returning home on the following days 09:50 Edinburgh-Plymouth. Such non works workings continued to be unusual at this time, the only other in 1980 that I have recorded is 50030 'Repulse' working 10:23 Penzance-Leeds to Sheffield, returning on the 17:35 Leeds-Bristol Temple Meads from Sheffield on 19th May, whilst on February 6th 1981 50039 'Implacable' did the same. On 11th July 1981 50037 'Illustrious' worked a Poole-Kieghley “The Southern Visitor” Bournemouth Rail Travel Association charter, reappearing later in the day on the 14:37 Leeds-Plymouth and on 1st November 1981 50018 'Resolution' worked a 14:12 Plymouth-Sheffield relief returning ecs to the Western Region.
Monday November 2nd 1981 was a turning point for locomotives returning from works, as from this date the 09:50 Edinburgh-Plymouth went over to HST operation. Initially the Fifties found other ways home avoiding Dore, however on 5th February 1982 50009 'Conqueror' found its way to Tinsley TMD, subsequently working the 07:00 Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Bristol Temple Meads which started at Sheffield on this day as a result of industrial action. Over the next five years, until overhauls at Doncaster Works ceased, the majority of fifties found their way home through Dore via the remaining North East-South West locomotive hauled trains, parcels trains and from the autumn of 1983, the Doncaster Belmont Yard-Severn Tunnel Junction Yard Speedlink freight. The most notable of these return workings being on 27th May 1982 when 50042 'Triumph' and 50045 'Achilles' double headed the 12:37 Leeds-Cardiff. Although the majority of Fifties continued to be towed to Doncaster works during this period a number did make their way there under their own power through Dore via the remaining South West-North East locomotive hauled trains, parcels trains and occasionally running as light locomotives. Of particular note was the double heading of the 14:15 Plymouth-Leeds parcels by 50017 'Royal Oak' and 50038 'Formidable' on the evening of 11th October 1984, the pair were detached at Sheffield were they remained overnight before running light locomotive to Doncaster the following morning.
1982 probably saw the most noteable Fifty workings not involving works visits. It kicked off with 50036 'Victorious' working the supposed 07:30 Birmingham New Street-Newcastle-upon-Tyne in atrocious weather conditions on 9th January. The train had actually set off the day before from the West Country, reaching Birmingham in time to be requisitioned for the 07:30. It was sufficiently late by York to be terminated and its train then formed the 13:44 Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Swansea starting at York. The delayed train eventually reached Gloucester where it was terminated as the Lydney route was blocked. The intention was for it then run ecs to Birmingham. However, it actually conveyed a few passengers one of whom recalls. “We got as far as Barnwood Junction before coming to a stand at a red. A minute or two later a northbound train stormed past on the main line – a fifty unidentified, hauling a set of Mk 2s with passengers on board. We continued to Birmingham New Street, arriving sometime after 22:00. Quite a few passengers were milling about. After a few minutes it was announced that the train we had alighted from would continue to Sheffield, which it did still headed by 50036 'Victorious'. Arrival in Sheffield was well after midnight and there we were greeted with 50018 ‘Resolution’ on a set of Mk2s in platform 5 facing south. This was presumably the train seen at Barnwood Junction, possibly 16:18 Plymouth-Birmingham New Street extended to Sheffield (this has never though been verified). 50036 'Victorious' ran round its train (in platform 1 I think) and so there was the amazing sight of two fifties at Sheffield in the middle of the night, in snow!!” 25th May saw 50037 'Illustrious' at the head of the 14:25 Plymouth-Newcastle-upn-Tyne parcels, returning two days later on the 16:06 Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Bristol Temple Meads following a name dedication ceremony on Tyneside. Following the fortnights rail strike in the summer, the Eastern Region unilaterally apparently refused to resource relief trains. This lead to an unforgettable six days (7-12th August) when 50035 'Ark Royal' worked a 13:15 Paignton-Sheffield relief returning ecs on the 7th, 50019 'Ramillies' a 09:05 Plymouth-York relief returning ecs on the 9th, followed by three days of 50030 'Repulse' on the same working! 18th August saw 50003 'Temeraire' heading the 07:01 Bristol Temple Meads-Leeds returning on the 12:37 Leeds-Cardiff and finally 50041 'Bulwark' headed a 16:04 Bristol Temple Meads-York relief returning ecs on 1st October followed the day after by 50012 'Benbow' on a 10:15 Paignton-Leeds relief, also returning ecs.
The early part of 1983 saw three notable workings. On 4th February 50040 'Leviathan' worked the 12:46 Portsmouth Harbour-Leeds as far as Sheffield from where it returned on the 17:35 Leeds-Bristol Temple Meads parcels. 19th March saw 50005 'Collingwood' on an Oxford-Sheffield and return football special and 18th June saw 50033 'Glorious' working ecs from Wolverhampton Oxley CARMD, it then worked the 20:47 Sheffield-Bristol Temple Meads.
By August 1983, four years after 50007 'Hercules' first appearance, forty-seven fifties had been recorded at Dore. The impossible was increasingly looking like it could happen, 50008 'Thunderer', 50031 'Hood' and 50043 'Eagle' being the outstanding locomotives.
Problems with HST's during the hot summer of 1983 resulted in one diagram; 07:05 Plymouth-York/14:28 York-Plymouth going over to locomotive haulage, an arrangement which continued until May 1984, eleven Fifties finding their way on to this diagram during the period. Not surprisingly the return train was also used for returning locomotives from Doncaster Works to the Western Region. The reversion of this working to HST operation marked a decline in non works associated workings with only 50017 'Royal Oak' on the 13:40 Poole-Sheffield via Nottingham, returning ecs to Wolverhampton Oxley CARMD on 23rd June, 50026 'Indomitable' on a 11:25 Reading-York relief returning ecs on the 21st August and 50042 'Triumph' on the 01:10 Bristol Temple Meads-Leeds parcels as far as Sheffield, returning on the 08:29 Leeds-Cardiff from Sheffield on 4th October, being recorded during the summer/autumn of 1984. The elusive trio was reduced to two however on 25th September when 50043 'Eagle' appeared on the 09:18 Penzance-Leeds, from which it was detached at Sheffield and forwarded light locomotive to Doncaster Works.
With a few very noteable exceptions, 1985 proved to be the last year of Fifties on non works associated workings, their use however was mainly confined to relief trains. January 18th saw 50020 'Revenge' working an ecs from Cardiff to York and then returning as the 14:25 York-Plymouth relief. The most notable event however occurred on the 3rd February when 50045 'Achilles' headed a 16:37 Birmingham New Street-York relief only to be followed by 50011 'Centurion' on a 14:12 Bristol Temple Meads York relief, both returning ecs. April 3rd saw 50026 'Indomitable' heading a 09:06 Bristol Temple Meads-York relief returning on a 14:25 York-Plymouth relief whilst on the 18th June 50003 'Temeraire' worked the 08:55 Penzance-Newcastle-upon-Tyne as far as Sheffield, returning on the 16:02 Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Bristol Temple Meads parcels. Finally on the 18th October, 50045 'Achilles' headed the Fridays only 12:46 Portsmouth Harbour-Leeds, returning later in the evening on the 22:02 Leeds-Bristol Temple Meads parcels.
50031 'Hood' made its one and only appearance through Dore on 28th November 1985, returning from works at the head of the 15:38 Leeds-Plymouth parcels. Thus with forty-nine down and only 50008 'Thunderer' to go the impossible had nearly been achieved and so it was on 30th December 1985 when, with a blizzard blowing, 50008 'Thunderer' thundered through Dore at the head of a 11:25 Reading-York relief, returning ecs. It made doubly sure however by reappearing at the head of a 10:33 Bristol Temple Meads-York relief on 2nd January 1986 whilst on route to Doncaster Works for an Intermediate overhaul. At the time it appeared that 50008 'Thunderer' had been cutting it a bit fine in making its appearance as although it made a subsequent visit to Doncaster Works later in 1986 and headed a Worcester Shrub Hill-York and return excursion on 19th April 1986 it continued to find ways of avoiding Dore. During 1986 & 1987 the only appearance apart from those associated with works visits again occurred in atrocious weather conditions when on 15th January 1987, 50034 'Furious' worked through to Sheffield on the very late running 01:10 Bristol Temple Meads-Leeds parcels consisting of just two parcels vans on that day, 50034 'Furious' was detached at Sheffield returning light locomotive to Saltley LIP.
The last Fifty from Doncaster Works was 50037 'Illustrious' which returned home at the head of the 15:38 Leeds Plymouth parcels, on 3rd April 1987. Thus just under eight years after 50007 'Hercules' had made its first appearance it appeared that the locomotives association with Dore was over and the Class would not be seen in the area again. A couple of surprises remained however. On 3rd October 1988 the 13:08 Plymouth-York and 20:03 York-Bristol Temple Meads which were normally HST operated were locomotive hauled with 50003 'Temeraire', whilst the final and most remarkable working happened on 23rd April 1990 when an ailing 0922 Penzance-Glasgow Central HST was assisted to Sheffield by 50008 'Thunderer' and was promptly terminated there with 50008 'Thunderer' returning light locomotive.
One type of working not referred to above is the use of Fifties through Dore on railtours. Over the years several have run, the first being on 26th July 1981 when 50025 'Invincible' passed through on the return leg of the "Doncaster Dart" railtour. Of particular note was the double heading by 50020 'Revenge' and 50022 'Anson' of a Plymouth-Carlisle railtour on 16th October 1982 and the "Derbyshire Dingle" railtour of 8th February 1986 from Paddington to Buxton which was routed via Dore Curve headed by 50012 'Benbow'.
A couple of years after 50008 'Thunderer' made its final appearance on a 'normal' working, the remaining members of the Class were taken out of regular service. However, three locomotives 50007 'Sir Edward Elgar', 50033 'Glorious' and 50050 'Fearless' were retained for a further couple of years for special duties. The first such duty through Dore was on 13th June 1992 when 50007 'Sir Edward Elgar' and 50033 'Glorious' headed the ill-fated "Court Chester" railtour through Dore station and on to the Hope Valley, the only occasion on which Fifties passed between Dore Station and Dore West Junctions. Later in the same year, on 7th November, 50033 'Glorious' and 50007 'Sir Edward Elgar' passed through on the outward leg of the "Minster Marauder" railtour. 1993 also saw two Fifty headed railtours. On 5th June 50050 'Fearless' and 50033 'Glorious' headed the return leg of the 'Bishops Triple' railtour and on 30th October 50033 'Glorious' and 50007 'Sir Edward Elgar' passed around Dore curve on the outward leg of the "Mersey Man" railtour. Also in 1993 50026 'Indomitable' was dragged through on 14th April by 47322 en route from Booth-Roe Metals scrap yard at Rotherham to the Mid-Hants Railway at Alton for preservation.
The absolute finale for Fifties through Dore came over the weekend of 19th & 20th March 1994 when on the 19th 50033 'Glorious' and 50050 'Fearless' passed through Dore at 21:45 heading the return "Cornish Caper" railtour to York. Following the hand over of 50033 'Glorious' to the National Railway Museum the following day, 50050 'Fearless' returned light diesel to Saltley LIP from York, passing through Dore at 19:33. Thus as British Rail was despatched to the history books so was the Dore association with the Fifties.
Perhaps if I had been told in 1979 that all the Fifties would have worked through Dore by the end of 1985 I should have believed it! What makes the story more remarkable is that it occurred with out the help of a booked turn and all but 50031 'Hood' could have been 'bashed' by the haulage fraternity through Dore on timetabled or relief passenger trains. Incidentally the most prolific Fifty has been 50003 'Temeraire' with nine appearances (out & back workings counting as one) whilst as previously mentioned, 50031 'Hood' made just one appearance. The only Fifty to pass through Dore carrying different names was 50007 which made eight appearances in all, four as 'Hercules' and four as 'Sir Edward Elgar', the same locomotive being the only one to traverse all three sides of Dore triangle!
Although I believe I have 95+% of the Fifty workings through Dore recorded there are I'm sure some that I'm not aware of. My list of all the workings I'm aware of can be viewed by clicking the link below. I would therefore be very grateful for any corrections or additions that can be made to the listing.
Fifties through Dore - list of known workings
August 1994
Rev September 2024
Page maintained by Peter Hall.