
Diesel Dilemmas - top page

Class 06 observations in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s - top page

D2411 at Hurlford on 8th August 1958. Its immaculate condition suggests that it was on route from the Andrew Barclay works at Kilmarnock to Inverness   Martin Beckett

First allocated to Inverness in July 1958. Transferred to Perth in September 1963. Transferred to Dundee in November 1965. Transferred to Ayr in March 1967 from where it was withdrawn in June 1968. From observations received it appears to have moved to Thornton depot shortly before official withdrawal and remained their, presumably out of use, until being sent for scrapping.


Sightings for D2411

Loco Location Date Seen by
D2411 Hurlford shed 67B 08/08/1958 Martin Beckett
D2411 Inverness Depot 14/07/1960 Andrew Lait
D2411 Inverurie Works 26/03/1961 RO 1961 page 155
D2411 Between Aviemore & Keith 09/07/1962 Roger Smith
D2411 Inverness Sidings 03/08/1962 Ian Ward
D2411 Inverness Yards 17/04/1963 Ian Ward
D2411 Inverness Depot 07/07/1963 Bob Stone
D2411 Inverness 29/08/1963 Robert Warburton
D2411 Perth shed 05/10/1963 Robin Lush
D2411 Perth Depot 30/03/1964 Roy Hennefer
D2411 Perth Depot 17/05/1964 Roy Hennefer
D2411 Perth Station Siding 29/07/1964 Ian Lander
D2411 Perth 12/08/1964 Brian Swinn
D2411 Perth Depot 13/08/1964 Charles Taylor
D2411 Perth Depot 15/08/1964 Bob Stone
D2411 Perth Depot 20/03/1965 T.F.Davis
D2411 Perth Depot 17/04/1965 A Ledwick
D2411 Perth Depot 19/04/1965 Roy Hennefer
D2411 Perth Depot 20/04/1965 Roy Hennefer
D2411 Perth Depot 23/06/1965 Bob Stone
D2411 Perth Depot 31/07/1965 Bob Stone
D2411 Perth Depot 02/08/1965 Bob Wallen
D2411 Perth Depot 08/08/1965 Roy Hennefer
D2411 Perth shed 03/10/1965 Robin Lush
D2411 Dundee Depot 09/04/1966 Alan Ledwick
D2411 Dundee Depot 11/04/1966 Roy Hennefer
D2411 Dundee West Depot 08/07/1966 Trevor Davis
D2411 Dundee Depot 15/07/1966 Ian Lander
D2411 Perth Depot 28/08/1966 stuart ottaway
D2411 Dundee Depot 28/08/1966 Peter Martin
D2411 Dundee Depot 31/08/1966 Robert Warburton
D2411 Dundee Depot 07/01/1967 Philip cartwright
D2411 Ayr Depot 28/03/1967 Adrian Booth
D2411 Ardrossan 09/09/1967 roy dean
D2411 Thornton Depot 04/05/1968 Andrew Dodgson
D2411 Thornton Depot 27/07/1968 Peter Martin
D2411 Thornton Depot 29/08/1968 David Compton / Robert Pritchard, Worcester Locomotive Society
D2411 Thornton Depot 29/08/1968 Robert Warburton
D2411 Thornton Depot 12/09/1968 RO 1968 Page 403
D2411 Thornton Depot 11/01/1969 Philip Cartwright


This page is maintained by Peter Hall.