Late Summer Holiday 2000

Haulage Highlights - top page

East Coast Main Line Drags – top page

Over this holiday weekend the bridge over the River Trent at Newark-on-Trent was replaced. On all three days trains were diverted between Newark Northgate and Doncaster via Gainsborough Lea Road in both directions. Northbound (Down) trains were routed via Decoy South Junction approaching Doncaster. Southbound (Up) trains were routed via Black Carr Junction leaving Doncaster. All trains listed for Saturday 26th August and Sunday 27th August were dragged between Newark Northgate and Doncaster, trains not listed were scheduled to utilise HSTs and did. For Monday 28th August all diverted trains are listed and the scheduled Doncaster arrival time at Doncaster for Northbound trains and departure time for Southbound trains is also given.

47759 dragging 91009 The Samaritans arriving at Doncaster on 28th August 2000 heading 1S14 08.00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh   Ian Nightingale

47733 Eastern Star dragging 90038 arriving at Doncaster on 28th August 2000 heading 1D34 08.10 Kings Cross-Leeds   Ian Nightingale

47785 about to depart Doncaster on 1A17 10:05 Leeds-Kings Cross with 91013 on the rear on 28th August 2000   Ian Nightingale

47792 ?Saint Cuthbert? has just arrived at Newark Northgate on 28th August 2000 heading 1E08 08.00 Aberdeen-Kings Cross which had started at Berwick-upon-Tweed, 91011 was on the rear   Ian Nightingale

47759 at Doncaster awaiting detachment from 90038 on 1D42 15:40 Kings Cross-Leeds on 28th August 2000   Ian Nightingale

47775 ?Respite? + 47773 ?Reservist? depart Doncaster on 28th August 2000 forming 1A29 17.05 Leeds-Kings Cross, 91025 was on the rear   Ian Nightingale

47733 'Eastern Star' heads 1E04 10:30 Edinburgh - Kings Cross through Stow Park with 91018 'Bradford Film Festival' on the rear through Stow Park on Sunday 27th August 2000.   Bill Atkinson

47786 'Roy Castle OBE' dragging 91002 'Durham Cathedral' heads 1S13 07:00 Kings Cross - Glasgow Central through Collingham on Saturday 26th August 2000.   Lindsay Atkinson

47775 'Respite' dragging 1E07 10:00 Edinburgh (started Berwick upon Tweed) - Kings Cross past the remaining station buildings at Walkeringham on Monday 28th August 2000.   Lindsay Atkinson

47799 'Prince Harry' draggs 1E02 09:30 Edinburgh-Kings Cross, with 91011 on the rear, through Stow Park on Subday 27th August 2000.   Lindsay Atkinson

Saturday 26th August 2000

47734 06:15 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47734 05:05 Leeds-Kings Cross
47786 07:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47786 04:50 Newcastle-Kings Cross
47772 08:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47772 06:00 Newcastle-Kings Cross
47733 08:10 Kings Cross-Leeds 47759 07:00 Newcastle-Kings Cross
47799 08:30 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47798 07:30 Newcastle-Kings Cross
47759 09:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47792 06:20 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47798 09:30 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47734 07:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47792 10:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47786 09:00 Newcastle-Kings Cross
47734 10:40 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47785 07:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47786 11:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47733 08:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47785 11:30 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47799 09:30 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47733 12:30 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47759 09:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47799 13:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47792 10:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47792 15:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47733 12:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47793+HST 16:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh Note 1 47785 13:30 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47785 17:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47799 14:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47733 18:40 Kings Cross-Newcastle 47786 14:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47799 19:00 Kings Cross-Newcastle 47792 15:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47786 19:30 Kings Cross-Leeds 47734 18:40 Leeds-Kings Cross
47734 20:30 Kings Cross-Leeds 47785 16:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47798 21:30 Kings Cross-Leeds 47798 20:15 Leeds-Kings Cross
47792 22:00 Kings Cross-Newcastle 47793 18:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross Note 2

Sunday 27th August 2000

47759 08:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47772 07:00 Newcastle-Kings Cross
47734 08:35 Kings Cross-Leeds 47786 07:30 Newcastle-Kings Cross
47785 09:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47775 07:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47733 09:30 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47759 08:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47792 10:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47785 09:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47775 10:30 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47799 09:30 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47759 11:30 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47734 10:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47785 12:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47733 10:30 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47799 13:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47792 11:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47734 13:30 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47775 13:25 Newcastle-Kings Cross
47733 14:00 Kings Cross-Aberdeen 47772 10:50 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47792 14:30 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47759 13:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47786 15:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47799 15:40 Leeds-Kings Cross
47775 15:30 Kings Cross-Newcastle 47733 12:50 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47772 16:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47792 15:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47759 16:30 Kings Cross-Newcastle 47786 15:30 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47799 17:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 47775 17:15 Newcastle-Kings Cross
47733 17:30 Kings Cross-Newcastle 47772 14:50 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47792 18:30 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 47799 15:50 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47786 19:00 Kings Cross-Newcastle 47759 17:30 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
47772 20:00 Kings Cross-Newcastle 47733 16:55 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47799 20:30 Kings Cross-Leeds 47786 18:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross
47733 22:00 Kings Cross-Newcastle

Monday 28th August 2000

09:07 47786 1S12 06:15 Kings Cross-Glasgow 05:48 47786 1A00 05:05 Leeds-Kings Cross
09:23 HST 1S13 07:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 06:25 HST 1A02 04:50 Newcastle-Kings Cross
09:47 47792 1D32 07:03 Kings Cross-Leeds 06:54 47785 1A03 06:10 Leeds-Kings Cross
10:09 47785 1N01 07:30 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 07:36 47759 1A06 06:00 Newcastle-Kings Cross
10:31 47759 1S14 08:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 07:53 HST 1A10 07:00 Hull-Kings Cross
10:57 47733 1D34 08:10 Kings Cross-Leeds 08:07 HST 1A11 06:48 Skipton-Kings Cross
11:20 47734 1S15 08:30 Kings Cross-Glasgow 08:36 47799 1A12 07:00 Newcastle-Kings Cross
11:48 47799 1D35 09:10 Kings Cross-Leeds 09:09 47775 1E02 06:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
12:20 47775 1N02 09:30 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 09:25 47772 1A15 08:12 Bradford-Kings Cross
12:44 47772 1S18 10:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 09:55 HST 1E03 07:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
12:57 HST 1S20 10:30 Kings Cross-Aberdeen 10:40 47792 1A16 09:00 Newcastle-Kings Cross
13:20 47792 1S16 10:33 Kings Cross-Glasgow 10:58 47785 1A17 10:05 Leeds-Kings Cross
13:53 47785 1D37 11:10 Kings Cross-Leeds 11:17 47759+
1E04 07:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross Note 3
14:21 47759 1S10 11:30 Kings Cross-Glasgow 12:12 HST 1E05 08:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross Note 3
14:27 HST 1S24 12:00 Kings Cross-Inverness 12:48 47799+
1A19 12:05 Leeds-Kings Cross
14:48 47786 1D38 12:03 Kings Cross-Leeds 13:09 47775 1E07 10:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross Note 3
15:33 47799 1S28 13:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 13:17 47792 1E08 08:00 Aberdeen-Kings Cross Note 3
15:55 47734 1D39 13:10 Kings Cross-Leeds 13:51 47772 1A35 10:48 Edinburgh-Kings Cross Note 3
16:08 47775 1S28 13:30 Kings Cross-Glasgow 14:14 caped 1E10 07:55 Inverness-Kings Cross
16:20 HST 1S30 14:00 Kings Cross-Aberdeen 14:21 HST 1E10 10:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross Note 3
17:05 47792 1N04 14:30 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 14:48 47785 1A23 14:05 Leeds-Kings Cross
17:30 47772 1S31 15:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 15:17 47799 1E11 12:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross Note 3
18:09 HST 1S01 15:30 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 15:28 47759 1E12 10:00 Aberdeen-Kings Cross Note 3
18:28 47759 1D42 15:40 Kings Cross-Leeds 15:51 47786 1A24 15:05 Leeds-Kings Cross
18:16 HST 1S32 16:00 Kings Cross-Aberdeen 16:19 47734 1E13 12:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross Note 3
19:09 caped 1N06 16:30 Kings Cross-Newcastle 16:28 47792 1E25 13:30 Edinburgh-Kings Cross Note 4
19:35 47799 1S33 17:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 16:48 caped 1A27 16:05 Leeds-Kings Cross
19:51 caped 1D02 17:10 Kings Cross-Hull 17:31 47772 1E15 14:30 Edinburgh-Kings Cross Note 3
20:06 47734 1S42 17:30 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 17:53 47775+
1A29 17:05 Leeds-Kings Cross
20:30 caped 1D11 17:50 Kings Cross-Skipton 18:03 47798 1E16 14:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross Note 3
20:41 47785 1S34 18:00 Kings Cross-Glasgow 18:33 caped 1A30 15:24 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
21:06 47772 1N09 18:30 Kings Cross-Newcastle 18:54 47759 1A31 18:05 Leeds-Kings Cross
21:43 HST 1D46 18:50 Kings Cross-Leeds 19:04 47786 1E17 16:00 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
21:21 47798 1S36 19:00 Kings Cross-Edinburgh 20:03 caped 1F60 16:57 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
22:14 1D47 19:30 Kings Cross-Leeds 20:10 HST 1E18 16:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross Note 3
22:34 1N12 20:00 Kings Cross-Newcastle 20:27 HST 1E19 14:55 Aberdeen-Kings Cross Note 3
22:52 1D50 20:30 Kings Cross-Leeds 21:14 47799 1F61 17:55 Edinburgh-Kings Cross
23:42 caped 1G22 21:00 Kings Cross-Newcastle 22:13 47772 1E20 18:00 Glasgow-Kings Cross
00:08 1D51 21:30 Kings Cross-Leeds
00:58 1N13 22:00 Kings Cross-Newcastle
02:07 1D36 23:34 Kings Cross-Leeds


Page maintained by Peter Hall.