Q22.01. Owned, Leased or Rental?
The Society is working on the compilation of a modern traction loco history database. It is unclear from research sources the distinction between lease and locomotives owned outright. For instance, in Cl. 87 it is believed that locomotives used by Virgin were on lease. However, a source then states ‘Locomotive off lease and sold to Cotswold Rail’ but later states ‘locomotive off lease’ and subsequently ‘Sold to Advenza’. Some Cl. 87s were also used by DRS. Were they also leased or were they sold to that company?
Were such locomotives sold or were they actually again leased to these operators?
A number of locomotives are shown as ‘Sold to Harry Needle’. In due course some of these have appeared temporarily with other users- are these on rental or lease agreements?
(Paul Chancellor: 9408, Andrew Lait: 19501)