Q16.11 – Peterborough New England Depot known as Bungett.

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Q16.11. Peterborough New England Depot known as Bungett. A member first heard New England shed referred to as Bungett from a New England fireman in 1960 and understood at the time that it was a well-known term. Coster’s A4 Pacifics Accompaniments Compendium also suggests it was well known. However, a native of Peterborough had never heard it, suggesting it was limited to people involved in the railway. What was the origin and extent of usage of the term Bungett? (Chris Berridge:13993)

Bungett appears to have been only spoken so there is no authentic spelling, although it seems to have an origin in the Peterborough district of Bungate (or Boongate), to the east of the cathedral. As well as the New England Depot the word was used for footplate staff in the same way as a Cockney from London and, at Kings Cross, Peterborough staff were referred to as Bungates. (Barry Butler:7459, Tony Foster:7856, Andy Wylie:13235)

With reference to Q16.11 (ROs April and July 2016 pp 277/496), the use of Bungit is alive and well in Hitchin, demonstrated by a hand drawn sign in a door leading from the down platform. Mark Chaplin (16826)